Present: Megan, Anna, Pleasure, Dusty, Garth, Eryn, Bruce
Absent: Stephen
Start: 5:43pm.
Last-minute additions to agenda:
Review and approval of July minutes:
Dusty motions. Garth seconds. All in favor.
Public comment period:
Joshua Rosenberg. Used to be a volunteer for the MCC, since ’86. Went to ROTR this year on a fluke. Tested the security there. Stayed afterward and cleaned up, volunteered for High Times. Talked to all the heads of security there, checked out various operations there, all the things I would have done as head of security. Was disappointed in their security – didn’t have an emergency channel. Created Nitrous Eradication Team back in the day when nitrous became a thing. Would like to be a part of the Mateel Center. What are we doing selling out to a corporation? Food was too expensive. No locals. No local security. Witnessed what he interpreted as racial targeting by security. Picked up a lot of trash, seemed like they didn’t do enough trash removal. I hope that you can get some oversight to cover yourselves and prevent liability. Asked him to submit wrap-up notes.
Tom. Last time I was here I started on a 7 day fast to help with the Mateel situation, Mateel Meal too. And MCC’s relationship to the community. Had a vision about the fire depts. to run some events. Heard Carol and John were here, that’s a really positive thing. Also a vision of the people that are your debtors. Talking to them about also having available for weddings, banquets and other things. You have this asset here that you could give to them. Maybe make some money for cleanup or bar. Would have to approach them and let them know it’s available for that. Instead of putting the building in jeopardy or selling it, step down from your seats. Talk to debtors – communication is important.
Note: no one on the board wants to sell the building.
Office Report:
- Pineapple Express MOU to reflect increased hours and use of space.
- Kitchen cleanup meeting for today: couldn’t happen today. Babette is going to remove some food before the that happens.
- Missoula: pulled in $3448 at door. Paid piano 500. Owe $2900 to the group, which means we made 48. Tanya pulled in $1800 in sponsorships. Kitchen made over $700 but receipts haven’t been turned in.
- Generational Gathering: 40 people approx. Went longer than anticipated, some solutions offered.
- Aikido resumed Monday. Russel is in the hall 3/15-6/30 every Monday or Wednesday unless bumped for rental.
- Tomorrow: Trevor Hall concert. Co-promote: Ineffable. Door at 7. Show at 8.
- E-40, Fri September 21st
- Hippie Sabotage, Thu September 27th, co-production
- Dirty Heads, Sun September 30th – co-production.
- Events in October:
- ABC Training, Tue October 2nd
- Hoedown, Sat October 6th
- CCUSH All Star Day, Mon October 8th
- Wedding Reception, Sat October 12th & 13th
- Water Board Outreach, Tuesday, October 16th
New Business:
Generational Gathering/Heal the Mateel
- Read notes from meeting.
- Documentary seems like a good idea for healing.
- Heal the Mateel event in October: Sunday the 21st. Childcare? Margaery? Ashley? Potluck. Music afterwards? Maybe do food at end.
PE Rental Agreement
- Identified some issues. Had a meeting. Codi has been proactive about solutions. Came up about hours and usage. Already giving her a 40% discount. Monday – 8 hours. Tue-Fri – 9-10:30, 5-8:30.
- Turns out she’s using the kitchen more hours than her schedule says. She can’t afford to pay any more. Her costs are too high. Is currently paying $21/hr. Was 2200 a month went up to 2520 with hours adjustment. She can’t pay that.
- Ask her to modify her time in there?
- She also brought up a point that she wasn’t here a few days.
- Separately: but we gave her a $200 refund after the Stephen Marley kitchen conflict.
- Can we afford to lose her?
- Comment: winter hours are coming, her business will go down. Can she cook for shows? She has taken losses on produce. Dishwasher issues.
- Decision: $630/week ($21 per hour), bumped for concert, traded for afternoon hours.
- Scott: when you’re offering a commercial kitchen, everything should be on paper. That kitchen wasn’t very organized, and Codi has helped with that. Would like to volunteer to organize the kitchen even more and write down what we have and what is PE’s. She labels her things, and it’s been very helpful. (We have met with her, and that organization of her things is going to be even more labeled and organized.)
- Babette: Sometimes is an issue with things getting intermingled. Much of our stuff is marked, but some isn’t. Codi has been great about communicating and given extra food.
Selling assets: mixing boards
- We need to raise $10K. To pay for final audit by 11/17/18. Need to sell it by the end of October.
- But if we sell it, can we operate?
- Jeanne would bring in her digital board and charge us $800/show.
- Rob wants to buy the one that is backstage for 5K. Worth approx. 10K.
- Can we sell the old stage? Summer Arts uses it.
- Save the Sound Board Fundraiser?
- Let’s at least get a value on them.
- Kelly: with regards to things on the board that need fixed. Dave Smith, works for the Solar Suites, he can fix that board.
- What are other assets that we can sell?
Moving November Membership Meeting
- Our meeting in November is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Can we move it? Move to the second Tuesday instead. November 13th. Start advertising that now. Nominations, letter out now! Renew your membership if you want to vote!
Hoedown/Coordinator thank-you
- Hay bales. Corncobs. Decorating. Cake walk.
- Starting at 2pm.
- Invite all coordinators to the Hoedown for free. Each invites 3 volunteers. Free ticket in, and meal ticket for coordinator. Free ticket in for volunteers. Free beer or beverage instead of meal ticket? Decision: free meal all of them. Bruce will donate $200 to food costs.
- SAMF & ROTR coordinators.
- Garth motions. Bruce seconds. All in favor.
Need more volunteers:
- Hospitality, etc. Need to develop our community and our volunteer base again. We’re now a working board.
- Volunteer applications? Keep them on file for when you have a need.
Old Business:
Caretaker position and rental unit
- Can we separate the caretaker position from the rental. Could be two people.
- When will the rental be ready? Should advertise before we’re ready to show it.
- Pleasure will start advertising it tomorrow.
- Pay is $14/hour
- Rental rate: $950/month?
Board Training
- Dusty still needs to sign up. Garth still needs to sign up.
ROTR site
- Mark has come to Bruce twice that we need to come and clean up his yard. He had a PG&E bill that HTP needs to pay. $190.00.
Committee Reports:
Finance – update/taxes
- We paid Piercy Fire $1000 our of the 9K that we owe them. We made a motion last month that we’d put $1000 from each show that is profitable to our creditors. Hopefully we’ll be able to continue doing that.
- No progress to report on getting a payment plan with the EDD. They levied our bank account. We sent them ~$2900 before the account was levied. Payment for last quarter that we owed them. Next step is talking to them about paying other quarters that we owe. When the dust settles, we’ll owe $8K. We think we can pay them $1000/mo. Hopefully they’ll agree to that. There’s a waiting period before we can find out.
Personnel – Pleasure
- Offered April a few more hours each week for office work. Have asked her to come in the next day rather than the night of a concert to clean up.
Building/Hall Report – Bruce, Dusty
- Rehabbin’ the cabin.
- Joshua benefit idea: Safe Ride Relay. Cops, fire department, hospitals. 24 hour relay. Competed with each other. Raised 24K. Enduring idea. “24 Hour Relay”.
Events & Talent – Update
- Hoedown: October 6th: Hellhound Glory, No Good Redwood Ramblers. Pine Needles. April Moore Ranch Party, and more.
- Halloween Boogie: Anthony B and Warrior King. October 27th. Saturday.
End: 7:44pm.