We are planning Scott Kender’s appreciation of life at the Mateel Community Center for Wednesday, October 7 from 4 to 7 PM. This will be a socially-distanced event.
Mateel Board member Babette Bach is asking community members, all those who have been touched in some way by Scott’s giving and tender spirit, to submit stories, anecdotes, statements, as well as a photo of themselves, to be posted at various stations in and around the perimeter of the Mateel. These can then be gathered and sent home with his brothers to share with his entire family. I believe this to be the best way to share our appreciation of this wonderful man and also show his family why Scott loved this Community so much!
Notes and photos can be emailed to me at babette@mateel.org, mailed to MCC, POB 1910 Redway or dropped in the mail slot at the Community Center. Any photos of Scott are much appreciated as well!
Scott was planning to be an upcoming Guest Chef at the MCC Drive Through Dinner series. He was planning a Puerto Rican Feast for the community. To honor him, we will be serving some of Scott’s menu. We will serve folks upon arrival so that there is no set time or congregating necessary.
There will be a short ceremony in the “back forty” to minimize any close large group contact . We are asking that everyone please wear a mask and will have extra masks and sanitizer available.
Questions, to volunteer or any donations to help make this possible babette@mateel.org, 707-479-9681.