Mateel Community Center
Public Board Meeting Agenda
Date / Time:May 17, 2023 @ 6pm | Location:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Zoom |
Zoom info:
Call in: +14086380968,,98728869440#,,,,*5995560# US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 987 2886 9440
Passcode: 5995560
Current Board Members:
Pleasure Strange (Prez) | Babette Bach (Trez)* | Mo Vionnet* |
Nate Miller (VP)* | Zac Gonzoles* | David Morris |
Julia Ralsten (Sec)* | Christy Augustine* | John Bruno* |
Meeting Called to Order at:
Board members in attendance (notes) : * next too name
Also in attendance: Shiloh, Elena, Sonia, Nick
Quorum established:6:15
Announcements: 5 minutes each
- Board Announcements: Vote yesJade steal for the show in July?
- Committee Announcements: Nate would like to get the finance committee together for a P&L.
- -Dining committee is making Bag lunch for the setup and takedown crew for SAMF23, maybe a ¼ of what we spent last year?
- -Dining committee is making Bag lunch for the setup and takedown crew for SAMF23, maybe a ¼ of what we spent last year?
- Public Announcements:
- Public Agenda Items to add:
- Office and staff updates-
Old Business: 5 minutes each
- Approve minute: 4.19.23 PUBLIC BOD minutes Minutes Approved.
- Planting the future, May 13th. Produced by Blooming Bus and League of Everyday People.-fun times
- Southern Humboldt Job Fair. Wednesday 17th.- it was a good turn out with people coming through
- Jade Steel- Proposal- budget update- approved by board email-May 11th
- Curtain update
- Walaki feather dances won’t dance if there is alcohol served at the events.
- Dave walsh is gonna work on electrical stuff and plumbing things that need to be fixed.
- Forest Moon Festival-June 3rd is a free showing for the Return of the Jedi, film commission paid for the license, and the chamber paid for the clean up. There will be an after party too.
- We are Tabling May 20th, at the Kmudd block party.
- Jade Steel- Proposal- budget update- approved by board email-May 11th
- Curtain update-Nate will order this ASAP! By 5/18
- Building inspection work update:nate will do electrical stuff (hoping not to have to call someone) and dave walsh is gonna do plumbing
New Business: 5-10 minutes each
- Jeanne Yorks proposal
-we need more details for her project, or have her come up for a budget. We would like her to see if it is being handed to us or if she wanted to be incharge
-elena will figure out more details.
- Switching kmudd show with healy (june 14th)
- We our possibly switching our shows so that we can each talk about our upcoming events.
Up-coming Events:
- Lets talk tourism May 19th
- KMUD Block Party May 20th; MCC will have a table
- Forest Moon Festival June 3rd
- Sober Grad June 9th
- Membership Drive in June
-we are trying to line it up the the arts alive event, june 9th
-do we want to do tabling a week of june 9th. Spring Membership drive; tabling in Garberville & Redway.
-Need committee, board, & volunteers to participate; a have laminated qr code to sell SAMF tickets; Elena has updated the Membership Drive Binder.
- SAMF23
-coordinator meeting this saturday.
- Free Yoga Every Wed in May & June 10am to 11am
- Get-fit sohum every M & W 5:30 to 6:30 pm and Every T & Th 6:30 to 7:30am
- Jade steel copro july 29th, it is a week before Reggae legacy
- Open mic night May 22nd, Maybe open up the kitchen for a minimal budget. Monday nights about 30 people this last time.