
Mateel Community Center Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes 10/16/24

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Date / Time:October. 16th, 2024 @ 6pmLocation:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Google Meet
Board of Directors Public MeetingWednesday, Oct 16  •  18:00 – 20:00Google Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/aqh-aiqe-fjtOr dial: +1 209-850-2447 PIN: 172 819 585#More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/aqh-aiqe-fjt?pin=3161718047631Current Board Members: 
Pleasure Strange (Prez)*
Babette Bach *
Mo Vionnet
Nate Miller (Trez)*
Shanon Taliaferro*
Lonny Whitlow*
Julia Ralsten (Sec)*
Christy Augustine(VP)*
John Bruno*

Meeting Called to Order at: 

Board members in attendance (notes) : * next to name

Also in attendance: Tiffane, Elena,Kmud news, Jono and Public member 

Quorum established :6:06 

Announcements: 3 minutes each

  1. Approve minutes: 9.18.24 PUBLIC BOD Minutes Pleasure makes a motion to pass, Nate seconds and all here in favor. 
  2. Office and Staff updates: working on volunteers for all the recent events, along with event logistics. Working on cleaning the back office. Interviewing for Hall maintenance.
  3. Committee updates:

Old Business: 5 minutes each

  1. ROTR 24 Public wrap-up there was positive feedback emails from public.  The Staff wrap up meeting went well. No negative comments.
  2. Financial Report- Nate shared a bunch of P&L for ROTR24 in emails with the board.  Net profit is the 200 thousand range, maybe 230…. We lost money with Grateful Dub.
  3. Vote to purchase a new office printer and out source poster printing passed at the last private meeting. 
  4. Approval for Robin Krauss pay increase 
  5. Approval for we dig it payment.   

New Business: 5-10 minutes each

  1. SAMF 25’- date-location- the community park needs to have a bunch of wetland remediation. Looking like the hall is the best location. Unless other options present them selves, maybe look into benbow, maybe limit the park to 800 tickets for each day. 
  2. ROTR 25’ will be talked about in close session 
  3. Picnic in the park- Oct. 5th wrap-up- price lowered and date changed for better attendance. 
  4. SH training- people are still working on it. 
  5. Board vote to approve to pay Nate Miller to run the bar at Mateel events; Christy makes motion that there is no conflict of interest for Nate to manage the bar if needed.  Julia seconds. 
  6. Motion to contact company and lease a printer, shelved to later part of meeting…… 
  7. Mo has stepped down from the board. 

Public Comments 3 minutes;

Up-coming Events:

  • Get Fit Sohum w/Theresa Campbell T & TH 630 am to 730 am
  • Oct. 19th 45th Mateel Birthday Celebration w/ Los Rakas- G Davis & Tropicali
  • Nov. 1st & 2nd Help’s on the Way presents: David Nelson Band
  • Nov. 20th Annual Membership meeting
  • Nov. 23rd Billy Wayne Davis rental

Meeting adjourned at: 7:45