
Mateel Community Center Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 8/21/24

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Mateel Community Center

Public Board Meeting Minutes


Date / Time:August. 21st, 2024 @ 6pmLocation:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Google Meet
Board of Directors Public MeetingWednesday, August 21 · 6:00 – 8:00pmTime zone: America/Los_AngelesGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/aqh-aiqe-fjtOr dial: ‪(US) +1 209-850-2447‬ PIN: ‪172 819 585‬#More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/aqh-aiqe-fjt?pin=3161718047631Current Board Members: 
*Pleasure Strange (Prez)
*Christy Augustine(VP)
*Nate Miller (Trez)
*Julia Ralsten (Sec)
*Shanon Taliaferro
*Lonny Whitlow
*John Bruno
*Mo Vionnet
*Babette Bach

Meeting Called to Order at: 

Board members in attendance (notes) : * next to name

Also in attendance: Meagan, mark shafner, Alisha Goodrich, Adam, Josiah, Robert, Jayma, April, Lyn. Jono, ashley. 

Quorum established :6:04

Announcements: 3 minutes each

  1. Approve minutes:7.17.24 PUBLIC BOD Minutes pleasure makes a motion to approve, christy seconds All here in favor.
  2. Office and Staff updates: Elena still cleaning up the office and organizing the back office and dealing with Lost & Found. Also doing the daily office duties. For a hall report. Christy & Babette did an awesome job of cleaning and organizing the kitchen and getting all the kitchen stuff brought back from site cleaned up and put away. Christy went to town having one of the containers emptied and reorganized and moved big items from the shed to the container. I still need an inventory. Colm worked a lot with the help of Kai, Jordan, and Paul to get the hall cleaned and ready for the memorial on Aug. 18th. Shannon mentions that Elena and Ashley are taking the lead on Cannafest, we can do 2 booths and parking like last year. If we have shiloh to do it we have to have a written contract. 
  3. Committee updates:
  4. Public comments: Adam; mentions that reggae was a good time and energy.-shawn has a similar sentiment -Robert; also mentions he was born here and has volunteered at reggae for 25 years. 

Old Business: 5 minutes each

  1. ROTR 24 Public wrap-up/afterthought/ suggestions: After 10 years we are most likely  in the Black, we will continue to pay off our debts at the end of the year as we have in the past. 

Volunteer wrap up meeting will be on August 30th. The post event meeting in piercy will be held at Piercy community center the same day.  

  1. Financial Report- we are still backed up with final numbers we believe we made  300,000 to 350,000. Thanks to Hot milk entertainment, which we split the profit with. With all budget considerations in keeping the hall open we seem to be in the Black after a decade. 

New Business: 5-10 minutes each

  1. SAMF 25’- date-location-TBA we have the community park on Hold, the 21st and 22nd of June. Pleasure makes a motion to keep the date for SAMF 21st and 22nd one abstain the rest yes. 
  2. ROTR 25’-dates;first full weekend of August(1st and 2nd)-identifying roles Pleasure makes a motion to keep the same dates for ROTR25, Shannon 2nd. Abstain all others in favor
  3. Picnic in the park- Oct. 5th we have partnered with the community park for this event, we need to reach the criteria of having 800 to 1200 people on site to accommodate the move forward to having SAMF25. 
  4. Co-Pro events- what ATL offers-they offer their co-pros the bar and kitchen vs what we are offering-we typically take the bar and kitchen. Pleasure in gonna loop Eyn and Nate in and reach out to ineffable. 
  5. ICS -training- schedule a date wednesday september 4th at 5 before the board meeting. 
  6. SH training- Required for Board Members,Staff, and Coordinators of ROTR and SAMF- Board members complete by September 30th Coordinator by Sep 30th. .
  7. Hall Sponsorships- November-who is going to reach out? We need to find someone to find Hall sponsors. It could be something Elena could do. Lonnie was wondering if an it Executive director 

Pleasure makes a motion to ask Elena if she can take over the Hall sponsors. Lonnie seconds. All here in favor

  1. (Moved to Closed Session)
  2. Cannafest (christy)

Public Comments 3 minutes;

  1. Adam was curious about SNMF ever returning. We are not affiliated with SNMF so we don’t know what the future holds. –
  2. Robert mentioned he couldn’t find any drinking fountains down by the river stage, 
  3. Shawn- there is and old water hook up close by. 

Up-coming Events:

  • Get Fit Sohum w/Theresa Campbell T&TH 630 am to 730 am
  • Sept. 21st Mateel & Help’s on the Way present; Battle of the Bands
  • Sept. 22nd Mateel Presents; Grateful Dub; Roots of Creation do a Reggae Infused tribute to the Grateful Dead

Meeting adjourned at: