Mateel Community Center
Public Board Meeting Minutes
Date / Time:January, 15th, 2025 @ 6pm | Location:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Google Meet |
Board of Directors Public MeetingWednesday, Jan 15 • 18:00 – 20:00Google Meet joining infoVideo call link: dial: +1 209-850-2447 PIN: 172 819 585#More phone numbers: | Current Board Members: Pleasure Strange (Prez)*Babette Bach *Vacant seatNate Miller (Trez)*Shanon Taliaferro*Lonny Whitlow*Julia Ralsten (Sec)*Christy Augustine(VP)*John Bruno* |
Meeting Called to Order at:
Board members in attendance (notes) : * next to name
Also in attendance: Elena, Dillon, Nick, Jono, Josh, Alisha, Carl, Josiah, Nicole
Quorum established :6:11
Announcements: 3 minutes each
- Approve minutes: 12.18.24 PUBLIC BOD Minutes Christy made a motion to approve minutes Pleasure seconds. Nate approves Pleasure approves
- Office and Staff updates: Elena Has been hard at work in the office, trying to get Sponsors for the Hall, Printer is still an issue. Elena will now be made administrator for the Mateel computer/ google system. Also in charge of our membership and fundraising, including Little Green Light, which we use for our member database.
- Committee updates : Building ; working on the railing Lonny is helping out with metal brackets, Josh fixed the back stairs, Elena says to make a point to close up the hall and office correctly. She made an SOP about resetting alarm system for the hall in the drive,Pleasure gets approval to remove Sycamore tree soon, it drops spiky balls. – Dining committee will be retrieving the ovens from Bluestar, one will be repaired for festival use, the other will be sold or parted out? There is space in a con-ex box at French’s camp (the one that Josh’s signs are in) to store the 1 oven. -Youth committee- Puppet show coming up Sponsored by the Southern Humboldt Chamber of Commerce . Possibly make the open mic night a youth type of event.
Old Business: 5 minutes each
- Vote was made at the last private meeting to give Babbette and her husband lifetime membership to the Mateel.
- **** from 12/18/ public meeting******** Vote to remove and add board members to banking accounts. : get paperwork by the next meeting to do this. Amie requests that Elena Worley gets added to the RotR account.
Pleasure makes a motion to remove Nate Miller from the Vocality Mateel/Rotr account and to add Sarah ‘Dillon’ Oppelt, Elena Worley, and Shanon Taliaferro . Christy seconds the motion. All in favor. Motion passes.The signers for Vocality Mateel/Rotr account are Liam Ahern, Amie McClellan Horgan, Pleasure Strange, Elena Worley, Shanon Taliaferro, Sarah ‘Dillon Oppelt.
Pleasure makes a motion to remove Nate Miller and Babette Bach from the Vocality Mateel account and to add Shanon Taliaferro and Sarah ‘Dillon’ Oppelt. Christy seconds the motion. All are in favor. Motion passes.The signers for the Vocality Mateel account are Pleasure Strange, John Bruno, Elena Worley, Shanon Taliaferro, and Sarah ‘Dillon’ Oppelt.
New Business: 5-10 minutes each
Public Comments 3 minutes;
- Josiah – he would like to congratulate everyone who made the board members. He would like to be added to more committees and kick start a bunch of momentum for them. Add Josiah to the chats for committees in Google.
- Dillon Has a lot of Different Awesome Ideas that will be talked about in Future Emails and Chats, Such as Trivia nights and Date Night/ movie nights.
Up-coming Events:
- January 25th Mateel Presents Soup-a-Palooza
- Feb. 15th-16th Matee Presents Puppet show
- March 6th-9th Cert Training
- March 12th Vocality Rental
- April 20th Mateel Smokeout
- April 21st-26th Missoula Children’s Theater(still looking for housing for the 2 directors. 2 private rooms for 7 nights; any leads would be appreciated)
- June 21st & 22nd SAMF at Sohum Park
- Aug. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Rotr at County Line Ranch
-Pleasure would like to take a moment to recognize and thank Timbo for his contributions to Mateel, and the community.
-Saying goodbye to Nate, Mo, And Babbette
Seating of the new board members: Dillon Oppelt, Nicole Fryer and Josh Harden.
Meeting adjourned at: 7;15pm