
Mateel Community Center Board of Director Meeting Minutes 7/17/24

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Mateel Community Center

Public Board Meeting Minutes


Date / Time:July. 17th, 2024 @ 6pmLocation:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Google Meet
Board of Directors Public MeetingWednesday, July 17 · 6:00 – 8:00pmTime zone: America/Los_AngelesGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/aqh-aiqe-fjtOr dial: ‪(US) +1 209-850-2447‬ PIN: ‪172 819 585‬#More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/aqh-aiqe-fjt?pin=3161718047631Current Board Members: 
Pleasure Strange (Prez)
Christy Augustine(VP)
Nate Miller (Trez)
Julia Ralsten (Sec)
Babette Bach
Mo Vionnet
Shanon Taliaferro
Lonny Whitlow
John Bruno

Meeting Called to Order at: 

Board members in attendance (notes) : * next to name

Also in attendance: Elena, Josiah, Nick

Quorum established : 6:11pm

Announcements: 3 minutes each

  1. Approve minutes: 6.19.24 PUBLIC BOD Minutes Pleasure motions to , John seconds Julia Shanon, Christy, Babette second.
  2. Board Announcements: Unbeknownst to the MCC, SNWMF sent an email to its ticket purchasers, releasing to the public that they could get a discounted ticket for ROTR24, we are also extending the date 
  3. Committee Announcements: -Dining is super busy preparing for ROTR24 -there should be enough people on the crew. -also the kitchen needs to be cleaned out and ready for Christy’s Purchases and Babette’s donated Items. Elena mentioned that the grease trap stinks and needs something done about it. -Building Grounds, john has been repairing the Bench that will be used at ROTR24. John needs a 4’ chunk of 4×12. To repair the back wooden stairs. – Shanon and Casandra help set up an sexual harassment class for all staff, and coordinators for ROTR24   -Finance committee is having a meeting tomorrow. 
  4. Public Announcements:
  5. Public Agenda Items to add:
  6. Office and staff updates- lots to do for ROTR24, Sep date? Will be a battle of the bands. The Containers at the Hall need to be gone through before the Rains. Pleasure would like to set a work date for October. Elena is having consistent phone calls in the office; the majority are questions about where things are on site. People will be arriving in the next few weeks for setup. Josiah has been volunteering time deep cleaning the kitchen at the Hall. 

-People can help out by volunteering at the hall with various tasks, such as gardening. 

-for fire safety we should look into a water tank or hydrant

Old Business: 5 minutes each

  • ***** VOTES**** – motions passed;- accepting ticket return policy for ROTR24 from advisor – payment suggestion of 900$ and 12 tickets to Illuminated Fools for upcoming event, they were also payed for SAMF23 and reimbursed for food costs – hire kitchen manager/staff for events as needed – reimbursement for extra Kitchen duties At SAMF24 -Christy would make sure the gas cards happen for those being reimbursed for gas. 

7/3 motion past to give the SNWMF ticket holders a discounted ticket, they will still need to pay for parking. 

-SAMF25 at the park.- Meeting with the community park. Meeting happened Monday July 1st. Letter of intent was discussed. A very positive response and letter was read during the meeting. It is accessible in our email. -Laura would like an event flow map and idea of where we would like to have containerland

-Kmud show went ok for the circumstances, as the Point fire on Alder point road had just started. -Christy makes a note that she forgot to remind everyone to bring there reusable water bottle. 


  1. “ROTR24. SNMF Ticket exchange conscientious was to offer the ticket holders a ticket the cost of our impact which was $50. 6-y, 1 abstain motion passes. They will still have to pay for parking. 
  2. SAMF25 at the park.- Meeting with the community park. Meeting happened Monday July 1st. Letter of intent was discussed. A very positive response and letter was read during the meeting. It is accessible in our email. -Laura would like an event flow map and idea of where we would like to have containerland. Find out in 2024 if we can allow camping at CP
  3. Next KMUD Non profit show is july 10th who will be on show and let’s approve the topics/outline christy suggested     -Leo would like to be a part of the show. Leo would like to get some interviews with artists. -Alisha can call in. -Nick made a sheet of topics for discussion. 
  1. Return policy for ROTR24 (you should have an Email from Nick about it.) -we need to make sure that we have our release of liability verbiage correct. We also need to revisit the verbiage of our refund policy for ticket sales. IE no refund vs at our discretion.-Board should respond to nick’s email, thank him for his due diligence.

Shanon makes a motion to accept Nick’s return policies as they are.   Nate seconds all here in favor of motion passes. 

  1. Illuminated Fools voice message ( should be in email. – Pleasure. We cut him the check for $600. She apologized for the post that was made, as it was a mistake. 

–Nate makes a motion to hire Illuminated fools for 900 and needed tickets, capped at 15. Shanon seconds. All here in favor. Confirm with Ashley and Alisha.

  1. Discuss terms and pay for media manager/Nick and let him know in email. That was solved in an email, by Amie and Nate. Nate will answer his question in the email. Nick would have to sign an affidavit saying he doesn’t have Workmans comp. 
  2. Discuss terms and pay for kitchen manager/Christy for hall shows/SAMF and vote on a no conflict of interest.
  1. Christy would like to be an independent contractor for large kitchen duties such as the amount of hours she worked at SAMF. 

Nate mentioned that it is not a conflict of interest for Christy to be Kitchen manager we all agree. 

            -Shanon’s motion is to hire one kitchen Staff for events as needed. Mo seconds

Motion passes. 

-Summer arts Kitchen work billing for Christy -Nate makes Motion to pay Chrisy $1000 for her  hours at SAMF and give gas cards to Shanti, Paul, and Jono. John seconds the motion 1 recused all others here yes.

 NN – MOU Email. There is a proposal for both parties(MCC & NN) to lend equipment to each other. Casandra had a good response in the email thread. -we should write a counter MOU in response. Shanon makes a motion to rent our equipment to NN and for them to donate equipment to the Mateel. Nate seconds 1 abstains 6 yes’s motion passes. (may have to be revisited) “

-NN MOU was revisited many times and it was finally settled with each party signing a contract. 

New Business: 5-10 minutes each

  1. ROTR’24 
  2. Shanon was tasked to do follow up with debtors, all were happy with the MCC offer of tickets, 
  3. – one Debtor requested having their banners hung. Possible hang it in the merchandise booth?
  4. We need a few dependable drivers (with good driving records) needed to pick up artists at SF airport. 
  5. Pleasure makes a motion to offer Babette a 100$ gas card for the bay area food donations trip, Christy seconds, all here in favor. 
  6. Board members and volunteers will be meeting Saturday to help gather things from the old site -Christy’s concern for ROTR to have another 10×20 tent, Pleasure recommend asking Alisha for the equipment order question. 

Public Comments 3 minutes;

Up-coming Events:

  • Sept. 22nd Grateful Dub; Roots of Creation do a Reggae Infused tribute to the Grateful Dead

Meeting adjourned at: 7:10pm