Bruce, Babette, Meagan, Dusty, Stephen, D Dan, A.
Late: Pleasure, Nate
Meagan brought up Willow Creek’s teen center which has been going on for 7 years. Teens late afternoon, grade schoolers early afternoon. She wants to make a field trip there.
We went over Anna’s minutes of the last public meeting, in January. Dusty was thanked for getting rid of The Troll!
MOTION: to accept January’s minutes: Dusty moved, Steve 2nd, U
MOTION: to accept February’s minutes: Dusty moved, D Dan 2nd, U
No public comment.
Life Skills Training program, LST: training to handle bullying, opioids, etc. Dusty would like to see the whole board certified to supervise kids; training is $240 each. Can a group rate be arranged? Their instructor comes out. Amy will write a half-grant to cover this training, and will see about a group rate.
Meagan will see about the field trip to Willow Creek, on Thursday next week.
Discussion of setting up an afterschool activity program at the community center on Fridays, starting on the last Friday in April which would give us time to get organized and get the word out to schools and through KMUD.
Various materials and activities were discussed; how to supervise, how to attract and vet volunteers.
Babette has a canning project.
Tisane has a grant connection.
Mention was made of the California Child and Adult Food Program.
Discussion of adult/student ratio, summer program, summer grant, insurance, accountability, bussing, CPR training,
Tubs of supplies will be brought to the next meeting for sorting and organizing.
Tisane volunteers to hang posters all over—Arcata, Eureka, down to Willits and Ukiah, even!
Discussion of allowing Darryl Cherney to use the community center for his activities
MOTION: to spend $400 updating the office computers.
Dusty moves, Meagan 2nds, U.
Nate will do some work on another computer In the office. He volunteered also to fix the air cooler, we’ll see he gets the specs for that.
Then there was a discussion of the shade and tent needs for Summer Arts. The MOU is still being drawn up. Summer and Tisane are connecting to write the coordinator letter.
Terry is dealing with the employee packet, and Ann is helping him transition.
Casey is the coordinators’ coordinator. The LGL forms need updating.
There was a discussion of T-shirts— pricing, sizes, color, printer choice, cost!, which group gets how many. And again, the balance between hours work and number of perks.
At this point, DnA left the meeting.
Submitted by:
Daniel Lawrence, Secretary
Compiled by:
Ayala Talpai