Mateel Community Center
Public Board Meeting Minutes
Date / Time:March 15, 2023 @ 6pm | Location:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Zoom |
Zoom info:
Call in: +14086380968,,98728869440#,,,,*5995560# US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 987 2886 9440
Passcode: 5995560
Current Board Members:
Pleasure Strange (Prez) | Babette Bach (Trez) | Mo Vionnet |
Nate Miller (VP) | Zac Gonzoles | David Morris |
Julia Ralsten (Sec) | Christy Augustine | John Bruno |
Meeting Called to Order at:
Board members in attendance (notes) : Christy, Nate, David, Mo, Pleasure, John, Julia, Babbette
Also in attendance: Elena, Shiloh, Shanti
Quorum established: 6:11
Announcements: 5 minutes each
- Board Announcements: We will be changing the Policy and bylaws next private meeting, also the vision and mission statement.
-we had a emergency shelter for 8 days some days were over night.
- Committee Announcements: Pleasure and Alisha met with the state park people, it was eye opening. We will not be having reggae at Benbow, they were very biased, they wanted 4 state park employees instead of 2, they wanted 2 sheriffs onsite, and they wanted metal detectors along with hired professional security crew
-a few board members met with the Community park on using the park in the future, we are looking at doing a co-pro for their pick-nic event.
- Alisha- she got the 3 year cup, working on permits and coordinators. Working on getting the security, shuttles are going to happen, (hopefully with the school district, lisa corey)
- Public Announcements Jeannie would like to offer her (paid, negotiable) services, bring in community and make it community drives. She would like to do this for membership drives.
- Public Agenda Items to add:
- Office and staff updates- last few weeks of weather has put a lot on hold, we are moving right along with events, joanna has been hired for social media. Still looking for someone for the website and promotions.
- All the rentals for the hall are on point, along with the events.
- Bruce is going to be down for a bit but around the 28th-to 30th for the sign.(wednesday-friday)
Old Business: 5 minutes each
- Approve minute:
- Review of Votes:
- – Feb 6th a 6 week fitness training program T-180; maybe John talk about it since you are in the program,M & W 5:30pm-6:30pm,T & Thur 6:30am-7am Contact: Theresa Campbell 916-201-4630 for more info- she hasn’t been available due to weather. We have also been doing the warming shelter.
- -Feb 18th noon-6:30pmTrees Foundation Culture Burn
-Free event ;Speakers: Kathy McCovey-Essentials of Cultural Fire
Diana Totten-Bringing Cultural Fire Back to Southern Humboldt
Brian Dykstra-Ecology of Cultural Fire
-Round Valley Feather Dancers
-Unangax People of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands
New Business: 5-10 minutes each
- SAMF23-
- 420 Smoke 💨out- we approved the budget last meeting. We will be working with the community bureau, they will be doing a legacy showcase
-we have 2 BBQ’ers on the back 40, the mateel kitchen will still be open.
- Committee Reports – Dinning committee- zoom meeting was held about the 420 smoke out. They are having a cleaning day. The both microwaves need to be removed, the wall one may need some electrical.
-Motion made to remove microwaves and donate the working one, approved by all.
– Shanti has been working on the kitchen grants, he has hit a wall with us not having our non profit status.
- Finance proposal to switch POS systems to Square – Nate pos system has a monthly rental fee, square is a better system. Square seems like a better option, the up front cost is 2000. The POS system cost about 80 a month.
-Finance committee suggests switching to Square from the POS system. We will be moving the vote for this to the Private meeting.
Up-coming Events:
– March will be a series of Let’s Talk Tourism events, they had to cancel the march 10th due to weather. Their next one will be May
-420 Smoke 💨out- christy is poc and will give update
-3/22 kitchen cleaning day- looking for volunteers, will contact dustin for possible pig food pickup.
-Nancy Peregrine celebration of life this coming saturday.
-Noahs ark will be doing a free vaccine/ pet upkeep clinic. Weekend after the next.
-April 1st will be hip-hop. Kitchen and Bar will be ran by mateel. We are looking for kitchen volunteers
-Recycled youth is using the halls tuesday, 4-7pm
– movie night every Thursday, time is 6pm and 8pm.
-ink People want to do a fundraiser for there non-profit