
March 15, 2023 Minutes

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Mateel Community Center

Public Board Meeting Minutes 


Date / Time:March 15, 2023 @ 6pmLocation:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Zoom

Zoom info:

Online: https://zoom.us/j/98728869440?pwd=L3N0YWdKdnh6V1B4OEFWeFo0aEdkUT09

Call in: +14086380968,,98728869440#,,,,*5995560# US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 987 2886 9440

Passcode: 5995560

Current Board Members: 

Pleasure Strange (Prez)Babette Bach (Trez)Mo Vionnet
Nate Miller (VP)Zac GonzolesDavid Morris
Julia Ralsten (Sec)Christy AugustineJohn Bruno

Meeting Called to Order at: 

Board members in attendance (notes) : Christy, Nate, David, Mo, Pleasure, John, Julia, Babbette

Also in attendance: Elena, Shiloh, Shanti

Quorum established: 6:11

Announcements: 5 minutes each

  1. Board Announcements: We will be changing the Policy and bylaws next private meeting, also the vision and mission statement.

-we had a emergency shelter for 8 days some days were over night.

  1. Committee Announcements: Pleasure and Alisha met with the state park people, it was eye opening. We will not be having reggae at Benbow, they were very biased, they wanted 4 state park employees instead of 2, they wanted 2 sheriffs onsite, and they wanted metal detectors along with hired professional security crew

-a few board members met with the Community park on using the park in the future, we are looking at doing a co-pro for their pick-nic event. 

  1. Alisha- she got the 3 year cup, working on permits and coordinators. Working on getting the security, shuttles are going to happen, (hopefully with the school district, lisa corey)
  2. Public Announcements Jeannie would like to offer her (paid, negotiable) services, bring in community and make it community drives. She would like to do this for membership drives. 
  3. Public Agenda Items to add:
  4. Office and staff updates- last few weeks of weather has put a lot on hold, we are moving right along with events, joanna has been hired for social media. Still looking for someone for the website and promotions. 
  • All the rentals for the hall are on point, along with the events. 
  • Bruce is going to be down for a bit but around the 28th-to 30th for the sign.(wednesday-friday)

Old Business: 5 minutes each

  1. Approve minute: 


  1. Review of Votes: 
  2. – Feb 6th a 6 week fitness training program T-180; maybe John talk about it since you are in the program,M & W 5:30pm-6:30pm,T & Thur 6:30am-7am Contact: Theresa Campbell 916-201-4630 for more info- she hasn’t been available due to weather. We have also been doing the warming shelter.
  3. -Feb 18th noon-6:30pmTrees Foundation Culture Burn

-Free event ;Speakers: Kathy McCovey-Essentials of Cultural Fire

      Diana Totten-Bringing Cultural Fire Back to Southern Humboldt

                  Brian Dykstra-Ecology of Cultural Fire

-Round Valley Feather Dancers

-Unangax People of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands

New Business: 5-10 minutes each

  1. SAMF23-  
  2. 420 Smoke 💨out- we approved the budget last meeting. We will be working with the community bureau, they will be doing a legacy showcase 

-we have 2 BBQ’ers on the back 40, the mateel kitchen will still be open. 

  1. Committee Reports – Dinning committee- zoom meeting was held about the 420 smoke out. They are having a cleaning day. The both microwaves need to be removed, the wall one may need some electrical. 

 -Motion made to remove microwaves and donate the working one, approved by all. 

– Shanti has been working on the kitchen grants, he has hit a wall with us not having our non profit status.

  1. Finance proposal to switch POS systems to Square – Nate pos system has a monthly rental fee, square is a better system. Square seems like a better option, the up front cost is 2000. The POS system cost about 80 a month. 

 -Finance committee suggests switching to Square from the POS system. We will be moving the vote for this to the Private meeting. 

Up-coming Events:

– March will be a series of Let’s Talk Tourism events, they had to cancel the march 10th due to weather. Their next one will be May


-420 Smoke 💨out- christy is poc and will give update

-3/22 kitchen cleaning day- looking for volunteers, will contact dustin for possible pig food pickup.

-Nancy Peregrine celebration of life this coming saturday. 

-Noahs ark will be doing a free vaccine/ pet upkeep clinic. Weekend after the next.

-April 1st will be hip-hop. Kitchen and Bar will be ran by mateel. We are looking for kitchen volunteers

-Recycled youth is using the halls tuesday, 4-7pm

– movie night every Thursday, time is 6pm and 8pm.

-ink People want to do a fundraiser for there non-profit