Where: Mateel Community Center – 59 Rusk Lane, Redway
When: Friday, March 10th. Doors open at 8:00pm. Show starts at 8:30pm.
Cost: $10 cover at the door.
Contact: Mateel Community Center. (707) 923-3368. office@mateel.org, Tony Persico. (707) 502-9656. av.persico@gmail.com
Event Description: Mateel Community Center presents their monthly Comedy Cabaret. The funniest comedians from both far and near come together each month to bring you the very best stand-up comedy in Humboldt County.
Who is Featured: March features two titans of Bay Area comedy, Mean Dave and FC Sierra, plus Humboldt’s own James Stephen, Pat Dylan and Nathan Davis-Floyd. Tony Persico hosts.
Bio – Mean Dave is a Bay Area comedian who hates everyone and wants them to die, but before that day comes, enjoys making people laugh at the expense of his misery. Dave is a regular at SF and Sacramento Punch Line and can be seen performing at clubs, colleges, dive bars, laundromats, and swimming pool sides, etc. all over.
FC Sierra
Bio – Not having learned to speak until the age of 12, FC Sierra relishes the opportunity to entertain audiences with the sounds that come out of his face holes. He is no longer a boy, but not yet a man. FC has performed throughout the western USA and will perform in Canada once he can get his convictions expunged. He’s been featured at festivals such as The Savage Henry Comedy Festival and The Santa Cruz Comedy Festival.
James Stephen
Bio – Humboldt comedian Pat Dylan wants you to hang at the edge of your seat with his unique narratives of everyday life. A commanding presence on and off the stage, this former Fresno fella invites you into his thought process from politics to popular culture. Boundless energy and quips that stack right on top of each other make Pat’s performance a ‘must-see!’ He’s your everyday, average Joe, but once he takes the stage to share his views you’ll be inclined to make him your Champion.
Bio – Tony Persico has been called, “an odd guy,” and, “decent,” by some of the most respected comedians on the West Coast. With an intense personality and sometimes dark perspective, Tony covers everything from religion and politics to the frustrations of driving and being attacked by a public toilet.
Tony has also managed a successful campaign for the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors, taught English at Humboldt State University, and become impervious to bullets. He has survived both six years working for Social Services and three encounters with Black Bears. He rode a horse bareback in Canada, but always wears a condom – always. Tony is also an Ordained Minister, a Doctor of Divinity, and a Certified Saint in the Universal Life Church. Only one of these things is untrue.