
June 28, 2023 Minutes

No Comments Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes Archive

Mateel Community Center

Public Board Meeting Agenda


Date / Time:June 28, 2023 @ 6pmLocation:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Zoom

Zoom info:

Online: https://zoom.us/j/98728869440?pwd=L3N0YWdKdnh6V1B4OEFWeFo0aEdkUT09

Call in: +14086380968,,98728869440#,,,,*5995560# US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 987 2886 9440

Passcode: 5995560

Current Board Members: 

Pleasure Strange (Prez)*Babette Bach (Trez)*Mo Vionnet*
Nate Miller (VP)Zac Gonzoles*David Morris*
Julia Ralsten (Sec)*Christy Augustine*John Bruno*

Meeting Called to Order at: 

Board members in attendance (notes) : 

Also in attendance: Elena, 

Quorum established:6:22pm

Announcements: 5 minutes each

  1. Board Announcements: We made it through Summer Arts! Waiting for final numbers finalized. 

-Coordinator wrap-up meeting is going to be july 12th

– We approved the 20 tickets and some camping passes to Community Cornerstone, 10 tickets to Healy, and a few to the radios for a free giveaway.  

  1. Committee Announcements: Dining committee + help needs to do a large cleaning of the kitchen and fridges and freezers. – possible think about a food vendor?, maybe Babbette will do the kitchen at rondo feast and chrisy is doing the kitchen Reggae legacy

-building committee up dates, there are a few Gfi and grounding thing, we also need to get the plumber to strap the water heaters and make a drainage under one of the pans. Dave walsh as the plumber?

-we need to look at it is going to coast a 3 sink system,( Portable sinks)

  1. Public Announcements:
  2. Public Agenda Items to add:
  3. Office and staff updates- very busy time at summer arts, going through the money boxes, organizing things after the summer arts. 

Old Business: 5 minutes each

  1. Approve minute: 5.17.23 PUBLIC BOD Minutes Julia makes motion to approved minute, christy seconds no nay, all Yays. 
  2. Lets talk tourism May 19th, lets talk tourism went well.
  3. Garberville block party, was tabled got 3 members and sold 3 clothing item.
  4. KMUD Block Party May 20th; MCC had a table, tabling went well 
  5. Forest Moon Festival June 3rd, christy kicked butt to get that festival going, not a huge turnout. 
  6. Sober Grad June 9th- not a huge turn out, most left sobergrad for anther party.
  7. Membership Drive in June- not a whole lot of volunteers or prepaid membership. 

New Business: 5-10 minutes each

  1. Every weekend in july is busy at the hall, refer to the calendar for details. 

Up-coming Events:

  1. SAMF23 (was actually last weekend), upcoming wrap-up meeting happening on July 12th.
  2. Free Yoga Every Wed in May & June  10am to 11am
  3. Get-fit sohum every M & W 5:30 to 6:30 pm and Every T & Th 6:30 to 7:30am 
  4. Rondo-tiphain concessions (maybe ask John-O to use his snow machine for both events)- Babette kitchen (KISS)
  5. Reggae Legacy- August 5th-Christy kitchen- Tiphain concessions—Ticket prices should reflect a $5 increase from last years price – unless Eryn has another idea-board approves

Session ends at 7:08