Mateel Community Center
Public Board Meeting Agenda
Date / Time:June 28, 2023 @ 6pm | Location:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Zoom |
Zoom info:
Call in: +14086380968,,98728869440#,,,,*5995560# US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 987 2886 9440
Passcode: 5995560
Current Board Members:
Pleasure Strange (Prez)* | Babette Bach (Trez)* | Mo Vionnet* |
Nate Miller (VP) | Zac Gonzoles* | David Morris* |
Julia Ralsten (Sec)* | Christy Augustine* | John Bruno* |
Meeting Called to Order at:
Board members in attendance (notes) :
Also in attendance: Elena,
Quorum established:6:22pm
Announcements: 5 minutes each
- Board Announcements: We made it through Summer Arts! Waiting for final numbers finalized.
-Coordinator wrap-up meeting is going to be july 12th
– We approved the 20 tickets and some camping passes to Community Cornerstone, 10 tickets to Healy, and a few to the radios for a free giveaway.
- Committee Announcements: Dining committee + help needs to do a large cleaning of the kitchen and fridges and freezers. – possible think about a food vendor?, maybe Babbette will do the kitchen at rondo feast and chrisy is doing the kitchen Reggae legacy
-building committee up dates, there are a few Gfi and grounding thing, we also need to get the plumber to strap the water heaters and make a drainage under one of the pans. Dave walsh as the plumber?
-we need to look at it is going to coast a 3 sink system,( Portable sinks)
- Public Announcements:
- Public Agenda Items to add:
- Office and staff updates- very busy time at summer arts, going through the money boxes, organizing things after the summer arts.
Old Business: 5 minutes each
- Approve minute: 5.17.23 PUBLIC BOD Minutes Julia makes motion to approved minute, christy seconds no nay, all Yays.
- Lets talk tourism May 19th, lets talk tourism went well.
- Garberville block party, was tabled got 3 members and sold 3 clothing item.
- KMUD Block Party May 20th; MCC had a table, tabling went well
- Forest Moon Festival June 3rd, christy kicked butt to get that festival going, not a huge turnout.
- Sober Grad June 9th- not a huge turn out, most left sobergrad for anther party.
- Membership Drive in June- not a whole lot of volunteers or prepaid membership.
New Business: 5-10 minutes each
- Every weekend in july is busy at the hall, refer to the calendar for details.
Up-coming Events:
- SAMF23 (was actually last weekend), upcoming wrap-up meeting happening on July 12th.
- Free Yoga Every Wed in May & June 10am to 11am
- Get-fit sohum every M & W 5:30 to 6:30 pm and Every T & Th 6:30 to 7:30am
- Rondo-tiphain concessions (maybe ask John-O to use his snow machine for both events)- Babette kitchen (KISS)
- Reggae Legacy- August 5th-Christy kitchen- Tiphain concessions—Ticket prices should reflect a $5 increase from last years price – unless Eryn has another idea-board approves
Session ends at 7:08