Hughston to board, me 2/19/19 Nate, megan, dusty, Bruce, dan Jama re: kmud block party, trent rental, yes we can provide.. need to be additionally insured Samf * lgl and strip $ failure to interface as of 2/20.. now all good.. 40 vendors confirmed Shiloh festival coordinator Kelly Lincoln wants to talk to ht about artist check in at rotr 2019… agrees to work samf artist check in Direct ask for volunteers use coordinators list for more input Justine public noticed via social for monthly meetings.. kym kemp add? Send out mission statement to membership Tiphane home economics and kids after school 1-5 wed? Possibly… mateel open to the community Offer Events for people we owe money to.. bridge loan Southern humboldt working together, non profit group Vision statement.. rework emphasis on ” ” Dusty makes motion “to create working group to open building on a TBD day specially created towards afterschool program” dan seconds.. unanimous approval Tiphain.lioness@gmail Sandbarrious@icloud Board@mateel Need to contact redway school after school program summer young Need to create eryn, Stephen, Nate, garth, amie, babette, Michael McCaskill Committees ET 1st Thursdays Building. Weds every other..2nd …and 4th Membership. Quarterly Finance. Weekly Policy and bylaw. Once per year Personnel. As needed Look into Potential subsidiary for profit co. To help revenue.. production costs vs earning Statement for potential law suite re alisha Closed session