Mateel Community Center – Board of Director Meeting Minutes – February 20, 2018
Present: Garth, Dusty, Anna, Bruce, Megan, Pleasure, Stephen, Marcus (little late)
Absent: Eryn
Staff/Other: Kelley Lincoln, Charity Green, one unnamed member of the public
Start: 5:36pm
Last-minute additions:
- Mime Troupe.
- Missoula Children’s Theatre.
Approval of minutes:
Dusty motions, provided note changes were made. One typo, one question mark. Megan seconds. All in favor. Bruce abstains. Pleasure abstains.
Public comment:
Babette Bach.
- Received a “pink slip” for SAMF. Wants to know who approved such an generic notice for people who are really volunteers, after all. Feels like a slap in the face after giving 100% for years. We are volunteers that are asked to go the extra mile and are also part of the community. Short-sighted way of treating the community if you want their backing.
- Letter was not approved by the board, only the fact of who was being let go. The letter was from the festival manager. We didn’t micro-manage the way that it was done.
- Should call these people and follow up with each of them personally. Pleasure and/or Alisha.
Kelley Lincoln.
- Audits? Mateel Meal? (Audits can be covered under Finance.) Meal was suspended until January. What’s the plan? Do we have a plan to bring it back in any form?
- Currently we can’t even keep our doors open. One freezer, one fridge. No dumpsters. Right now our financial situation is dire.
- How does the board feel about someone writing a grant? Can it cover all the costs it needs to in order for us to afford it? If that can be done, it might be possible.
- Can we take the meal offsite? Can we ask for donations from people who can afford it who attend the meal? I.e., trim migrants?
- Can we agree that a proposal can be made to us? Yes.
Hall & Office Report:
- Bruce put in some amazing LED lights in the stairs. Now we need to make sure that we keep the controller somewhere we can find it. Has to be plugged in to the wall. Not done installing it. Going to be a switch.
- Bruce fixed the liquor closet door. Eric gave the key to Cha.
- Outside entrance to office looks nice.
- Can we get Johnny to fix the inlet line in the kitchen. Gas main is 1/2” stove is 3/4”. Need to replace the line.
- Supplies for hall.
- We need toilet paper. Trash bags. Floor cleaner. Cash N Carry. April will give Megan a list.
- Trash bags at Costco? Cheaper.
Missoula Children’s Theatre:
- Needs $500 deposit by 12th of next month. Cost for whole program is 3400.
- Tanya thinks she can get a sponsorship. We’ll get the money together somehow.
San Francisco Mime Troupe.
- July 21st. switched weekend. $4k. Takes a lot of effort. Very few people attend it.
- But if we take it away, there will only be the Missoula show left for theatre. Sonia said she would cover the difference. Need volunteers for the stage.
- Can they set up in front of their corner so we don’t have to move the stage?
Tourists seminar this Friday.
Update website re Reggae? Give it another 7 days.
Possible hall renter.
- Likes to do fancy events, i.e., Standing Rock. Wants to do another event in May. Started out as a rental last year, and at some point it became a co-production. Didn’t do very well. This time would have to be a rental. She wants to present a cannabis-infused menu. She says she’s working with chefs in LA.
- Let’s have her clarify it with the County. Direct her to the planning department and the health department. Will probably have to have a cannabis event permit. Would have to be a 21+ dinner. Laws vary by County. Not processing or manufacturing.
- No cannabis, alcohol or tobacco sold at the same time.
Staff updates?
(Congratulations, Eryn & Natalie, on your new baby!)
- Amie/Eryn – need list of smaller debtors for Cha to call.
- Some responses coming back in from SAMF vendors. Need to respond to each of these.
- Motion to donate Wade Brown’s memorial: Bruce motion, Dusty second. All in favor.
- Met with our new financial consultant, Patrick Schwartz. Paid for by HAF.
- Right now Amie is working on getting a large list of financial documents to him. Then he’ll give a preliminary report, and then a final report. Possibly have a prelim report by our next board meeting.
- The next pressing debt was Mod Space, who we rent modular units from for offices for Reggae. We have a fairly significant debt with them. Has now gone to a collections departments of sorts. Approx. $28K. Offering to settle for $15K if we can come up with it soon. Want a response by Thursday. Talked about it on the radio. Donation or loan, payable after SAMF.
- We need to find more people to do accounting for in-house shows. Recently just been Pleasure. Need more in-house security, specifically for the front door.
- 2015 & 2016 audit: Is 2015 audit submitted?
- We are under contract with our auditor. He still has several weeks. Waiting to pay the remainder to him until after he’s submitted it. 2016 audit is not due yet.
- Question about the newspaper article in the Independent. Is 2016 a problem? No. Also according to the article, Amie says the paperwork is on track to be completed next week.
- Back door: weather stripping between the doors is broken. Front door Pneumatic arm may need to be tightened.
- Chimney needs to be cleaned.
- Update on Garth’s campaign. Talked with local Sysco rep. Initiated contact with Sacramento office. We crafted a nicely worded press release to clarify a few points. (Refer trucks were donated, they didn’t try to trick us, etc.) They’ve been kind enough to have refunded most of the collection fees and interest – a little over $9K. Crowdfunding campaign has raised just over $10K.
- Need a fundraising committee meeting end of this month. Darryl? Reached out to Stephen. Meeting next Tuesday at 5:30.
Events & Talent & SAMF Updates:
- Asking Justin to help book SAMF.
- Have had two mtgs. since last board meeting. Will meet every two weeks until SAMF is booked.
- Looked at possible headliners. Looking into supporting acts. Justin has been working on an indian brass band. Eryn’s reaching out to several local bands. Stephen has a couple bands that are interested in playing for free. Keep Feet First at noon on both days. Live bands start after that. 4 regional bands. One supporting and one headliner. All within cap of $35K.
- Solar Stage: being renamed. Summertronica sponsored by Basecraft. Marjo Lak is going to help manage this stage and help book half the acts. Lawn Stage: bellydance and others. South Entrance will be completely reconfigured and become a real entrance with a new and improved kid zone.
Upcoming Events:
- Shooter Jennings this Sunday. Book something in between?
- Wyclef Jean March 28.
- J Boog May 25th. Right before SAMF.
- (Future Productions is doing a co-promote. Crystal Method.) April 28th. In the hall.
- Alisha has created a festival to-do list. Online in Google Doc. Everyone has been invited to edit. Can everyone please take a look?
- Confirmation on coord. meeting date: Friday the 9th? Sounds fine. 5, 5:30.
- Everyone should find a spot to help.
- Marcus, bar? Mixed drinks.
Pleasure, assisted by Stephen, will coordinate Accounting.
- Drink tickets at the bar, not cash. $12 mixed drinks. 1 for beer, 2 for drink. Cheap drink ticket for sodas and snow cones.
- Stephen and Pleasure, can you take a look at the accounting systems from last year and see if that’s going to work well again, or should we change something?
- Need someone to work on Flow.
- Content for festival guide – Anna. Eryn – band bios, & lineup Anne – vendor bios. Map. Vendor list. Print deadline? Chris Molé – layout. Casandra – map? Megan will ask. Anna ask Justin for old PDFs? Dan’s GoogleDrive.
- Bruce – site.
- Site Manager – Shanon??? Dusty?
- Concessions (soda, water, popcorn, snow cone) – ?
- North Coast Merc and and SHUSD – we issued two payments. Plan to pay them back before SAMF starts. North Coast Merc – beer.
- Media – to express or reiterate our favorable position for non-profits to participate in the SAMF. Let’s have Anne do that.
- Board Training – 4 people so far for March the 3rd. Stephen, Bruce, Pleasure, Megan, Anna hopefully. Leave here at 7:30am. They’re giving us a deal, 5 for 2.
Committees & Offices:
- Garth considering stepping down from President and letting someone else take over. Bruce, Stephen, Dusty. Bruce says yes but not right away.
- Went through committee list and updated it.
- Personnel follow up with Amy Terrones and Julia Minton about Youth Alive.
Entered closed session at 7:51pm.