
February 15, 2023 Minutes

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Mateel Community Center

Public Board Meeting Agenda


Date / Time:February 15, 2023 @ 6pmLocation:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Zoom

Zoom info:

Online: https://zoom.us/j/98728869440?pwd=L3N0YWdKdnh6V1B4OEFWeFo0aEdkUT09

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Meeting ID: 987 2886 9440

Passcode: 5995560

Current Board Members: 

Pleasure Strange (Prez) *Babette Bach (Trez)*Mo Vionnet*
Nate Miller (VP)*Zac Gonzoles*David Morris
Julia Ralsten (Sec)*Christy Augustine*John Bruno*

Meeting Called to Order at: 6:06

Board members in attendance (notes) : * = in attendance

Also in attendance: Shanti, Elena, Shiloh, Josiah, 

Quorum established: 6:06

Announcements: 5 minutes each

  1. Board Announcements: 
  2. Committee Announcements: -Finance committee discussed SAMF23 Budget. -Youth committee will  hopefully be starting an after school Program by March.          -PC is trying to meet up on tuesday.     – Funding & membership- working on tabling events like farmers market.                          – Dinning committee; working on a grant for the Kitchen,to Help improve the inside of the kitchen.  Mateel Meal Looking into finding a grant to staff a program, trying to find a good solution to bring it back.  
  3. Public Announcements: Nate to add josiah to membership and fundraising
  4. Public Agenda Items to add:Talked about mateel meal previously, Grant discussion. Look into catering events for people. If we have the Staff offer a matteel catering service. 
  5. Office and staff updates -Staff is in the process of learning proper clean up Procedures.

Old Business: 5 minutes each

  1. Approve minute:1.18.23 PUBLIC BOD Minutes Minutes approved by board.
  2. Review of Votes: Motion passed to increase Budget for ROTR23.
  3. Update on cabin: Nate needs to do some research to get an estimate and make sure we don’t charge her extra for utilities.
  4. Update on piano : Owner will be informed of the 6 months window
  5. Update on Lawyer: waiting on contracts to be signed. 
  6. Bridge Loans: to 20% of gross profit which was split between 10 debtors. 

 -shiloh would like nate to meet with  accounting to be paid for a previous debt from 2016-2017

New Business: 5-10 minutes each

  1. SAMF Budget- needs to be approved- ticket prices will be increasing, we are going to reserve 800 to 1000, for normal camping, we are going to leave a little bit of wiggle room\ to add more.  (Nate explained the budget in detail.)  Budget is still in the red still. 

-*VOTE* Pleasure makes a motion to approved SAMF Budget, Julia seconds  Budget approved, Zac abstains.                        

     –  Need to get a check for CLR printed and signed for SAMF: Done

      – Raise ticket price to 30 for advance tickets and 35 day of. 

      -We need to do camping, and we will be charging for schedules. 

      -*VOTE *Pleasure makes a motion to raise ticket price to a fair market value i.e 30-35, Julia seconds Motion Passes, zac abstains. 


  1.  Media for SAMF and ROTR with Aaron needs board approval for expenses to do lateral work on the website and get all applications for vendors, volunteers and band’s online.  

*VOTE* Pleasure makes a motion to approve the 10n hours for SAMF landing/launch website. Babette seconds Motion Passes. 

  1. Need a budget for 420 Smoke 💨 out- Eryn has Jr Toots on hold for the event It’s going to be about 6,300,Total: break down: 4300 talent, 100 sound, 350 jason, 400 security, 500 kitchen, Cleaning 200. – Nate suggested we allow local dispensaries to set up and have information booths. -Eyrn made a standard deal with a 70/30 payout after making gross profit+ 30%. * pending eyrn with the clarification it is just door, 

 -*VOTE* Nate makes a motion to approve 420 budget, Seconded by julia, yes for Nate, John, Pleasure, Babette, zac, Mo 

  1. Update from FMT to BOD about status (Pleasure, eryn, Nate, alisha?)
  2. Need to pay Planning department bill- (Nate)-done

Up-coming Events:

– Started Feb 6th a 6 week fitness training program T-180; maybe John talk about it since you are in the program

M & W 5:30pm-6:30pm

T & Thur 6:30am-7am

Contact: Theresa Campbell 916-201-4630 for more info

-Feb 18th noon-6:30pmTrees Foundation Culture Burn

Free event ;Speakers: Kathy McCovey-Essentials of Cultural Fire

      Diana Totten-Bringing Cultural Fire Back to Southern Humboldt

                  Brian Dykstra-Ecology of Cultural Fire

Round Valley Feather Dancers

Unangax People of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands

-March will be a series of Let’s Talk Tourism events