
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 20, 2023

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Mateel Community Center

Public Board Meeting Minutes


Date / Time:Dec. 20, 2023 @ 6pmLocation:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Google Meet
Board of Directors Public MeetingWednesday, December 20 · 6:00 – 8:00pmTime zone: America/Los_AngelesGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: Google Meet LinkOr dial: ‪(US) +1 209-850-2447‬ PIN: ‪172 819 585‬#More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/aqh-aiqe-fjt?pin=3161718047631

Current Board Members: 

Pleasure Strange (Prez)*Babette Bach (Trez)*Mo Vionnet*
Nate Miller (VP)*Zac GonzolesDavid Morris
Julia Ralsten (Sec)*Christy AugustineJohn Bruno*

Meeting Called to Order at: 

Board members in attendance (notes) : * next to name

Also in attendance: Elena, Sonia, Leo

Quorum established :6:23

Announcements: 5 minutes each

  1. Board Announcements: 
  2. Committee Announcements: membership and fundraising met we will be do a mass membership mail out on January 11th/second week of january. 
  3. Public Announcements: Sonia- we have a small amount of money $250, 000 and we are going to spend a chunk of that on ROTR. She is very nervous about moving forward. The budget that she has doesn’t include insurance and she has concerns with this. Our volunteers are not what she remembers them to be. 

-Nate mentions that there is a larger potential for revitalization of the festival, there is alot of potential for free advertisement through potential stories made through High Times, LOCO, redheaded blackbelt, ect

-Leo mention that it it a cornerstone of humboldt, mendo area. It is a festival that brings a lot of revenue into our area and since it hasn’t happened the MCC is struggling. 

  1. Public Agenda Items to add:
  2. Office and staff updates- alot of people are calling in to check for rental days. Calls asking about reggae, Steve the culinary guy that’s doing the christmas dinner would like to bring back the youth culinary program. 
  3. Votes: -Pleasure makes a motion to return the membership to its previous price. Nate seconds, all in favor.                      -Nate makes a motion to go with Easel because we do not have time to waste. Christy 2nds, all here in favor. 

Old Business: 5 minutes each

Approve minutes: 11.15.23 PUBLIC BOD Minutes Julia makes a motion to approve. Nate seconds, all here in favor, pass. 

  1. Set policy and bylaw meeting with all board – date set in last private board meeting, awaiting confirmation.
  2. First aid and CPR training for all board and staff- same day as policy meeting. 

New Business: 5-10 minutes each

  1. Review and approve RotR 2024 projected budget,- nate says it is tabled for future. For a few fine tunings, and review of the financial committee. 
  2. Review HME and MCC contract- Nate makes a motion to approve, julia Seconds. All here in favor. Motion Passes. 
  3. Review and approve opening of joint bank account with Hot Milk Entertainment for RotR2024 at Vocality. Approve initial wire transfer-per Amies request- Nate mention we should open up a separate business bank account with Leos company, so that he can be a signer. It will have elena, nate, pleasure, Leo  and Amiee will be signers. There will be and edendiam made to the contact for both parties will have to agree that costs over 10,000 will be approved by email from the MCC board of directors. 
  4. Review and approve Resolution of Board of Directors for opening said bank account- Mo makes a motion to approve a new bank account in Mateel Community Center name for Reggae On The River- Nate seconds- all board members agree- Motion Passes
  5. Christmas gift from mateel-Mo – Pleasure makes a motion to approve a $35 gift certificate for a Christmas gift- Nate seconds- board approves – Motion passes

Up-coming Events:

  1. Get fit sohum T and TH 6:30 am to 7:30am.
  2. Free movie Night postponed till january
  3. Open Mic is going to be on January 8, 2024  expected update in January about future open mic nights

Meeting adjourned at 7:23