
Board of Directors Public Board Meeting Agenda Aug. 16th 2023 6pm

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Mateel Community Center

Public Board Meeting Agenda


Date / Time:Aug 16, 2023 @ 6pmLocation:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Zoom

Zoom info:

Online: https://zoom.us/j/98728869440?pwd=L3N0YWdKdnh6V1B4OEFWeFo0aEdkUT09

Call in: +14086380968,,98728869440#,,,,*5995560# US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 987 2886 9440

Passcode: 5995560

Current Board Members: 

Pleasure Strange (Prez)Babette Bach (Trez)Mo Vionnet
Nate Miller (VP)Zac GonzolesDavid Morris
Julia Ralsten (Sec)Christy AugustineJohn Bruno

Meeting Called to Order at: 

Board members in attendance (notes) : 

Also in attendance: 

Quorum established:

Announcements: 5 minutes each

  1. Board Announcements: 
  2. Committee Announcements:
  3. Public Announcements:
  4. Public Agenda Items to add:
  5. Office and staff updates-

Old Business: 5 minutes each

  1. Approve minutes: 7.19.23 PUBLIC BOD Minutes
  2. Rondo Fest wrap-up
  3. Reggae Legacy wrap-up
  4. Cannafest Who? What? When? 
  5. Office maintenance- outlet replacement 
  6. Timeline for cabin maintenance- separated propane line and electrical panel 

New Business: 5-10 minutes each

  1. Washing Machine 
  2. SAMF 2024- dates
  3. ROTR 2024 -date and partnership 
  4. 2024 Budget 
  5. Set policy and bylaw meeting with all board 
  6. Board and staff training retreat 
  7. First aid and CPR training for all board and staff 

Up-coming Events:

  1. Get fit SoHum Mon-wed 5:30 to 6:30 and Thurs-Fri 6:30 to 7:30
  2. Cannifest sept 9th and 10th
  3. Landon McNamara Sept 29th.