Mateel Community Center
Public Board Meeting Minutes
Date / Time:March. 20, 2024 @ 6pm | Location:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Google Meet |
Board of Directors Public MeetingWednesday, March 20 · 6:00 – 8:00pmTime zone: America/Los_AngelesGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: myOr dial: (US) +1 209-850-2447 PIN: 172 819 585#More phone numbers: |
Current Board Members:
Pleasure Strange (Prez)* | Babette Bach * | Mo Vionnet* |
Nate Miller (Trez)* | Shanon T* | Lonnie W* |
Julia Ralsten (Sec)* | Christy Augustine(VP)* | John Bruno* |
Meeting Called to Order at:
Board members in attendance (notes) : * next to name
Also in attendance:
Quorum established :
Announcements: 3 minutes each
- Board Announcements:
- Committee Announcements: Membership committee: we have 12 new members for the year, and quite a few renewals . Shannon mentions that the sign needs to be looked at and the contrast adjusted. Dinning has met a few times, Babette has gotten donations and such, some to be used at the 30th or 420. ENT Eyrn has move forward with a poster, the ENT meeting will be this next Tues at the brass rail 5 pm. Everything is going smoothly and moving along. We have reached 900+ ticket sales for reggae, there have been a few ganjasaurus rex tickets sold also. Shannon suggests sharing a banner space with cannifest like the handbills that have been printed recently. Building there are quite a few things that need to be addressed, especially siding and railings.
- Public Announcements: George brings up the vendor price, he suggests a reduction in the price so it’s easier for local vendors to pay for the application. Kind of like local students and out of state students at colleges. Shannon suggests having a scholarship-like situation where locals can apply for a reduced fee. Babette suggests that they could do an in-kind trade. Nick mentioned that the value of the booth and parking space are worth the price alone.
- Public Agenda Items to add:
- Office and staff updates- Elena 3 days in the office are pretty full, one printer needs a repair and the other one is on its leg. This coming weekend will be pretty busy. We have quite a few things coming up at the hall this spring, refer to the calendar. Colm is still doing hall cleaning, days have changed.
- Pleasure notes that Soup-a-polooza was fun and
- ****VOTE****** Motion to have SAMF24 at the hall, and make sure that the Park is ready for 25. passes
Old Business: 5 minutes each
Approve minutes: Public Board Meeting Minutes 2.21.2024 and 1.17.24 PUBLIC BOD Minutes Julia Ralsten makes a motion to pass 2.21.24 , Shanon seconds, all here in favor
Pleasure makes a motion to approve the minutes of 1.17.24 Christy seconds and all here in favor.
New Business: 5-10 minutes each
- Lonny mentioned that we could get in on a type of food booth during his 4th of July festival. Christy and Babette are going to set up a menu.
- Public Comments 3 minutes;
Marisa is excited about the upcoming ROTR and SAMF. Nick asked why we couldn’t do a co-pro for the Andre Nickatina show, it was due to funds. We have a few potential co-pros coming up.
Up-coming Events:
- Get fit Sohum T and TH 6:30 am to 7:30am.
- G-rex Documentary and cryptid burlesque March 23rd
- A Celebration of Music, Art, and Community event/fundraiser March 30th Elena will be meeting soon to get more details.
- Movie Night- Friday April 12th?