
Board of Directors Meeting Public meeting scheduled 6/21/23 is postponed until 6/28/23

No Comments Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes Archive

Mateel Community Center

Public Board Meeting Agenda


Date / Time:June 28, 2023 @ 6pmLocation:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Zoom

Zoom info:

Online: https://zoom.us/j/98728869440?pwd=L3N0YWdKdnh6V1B4OEFWeFo0aEdkUT09

Call in: +14086380968,,98728869440#,,,,*5995560# US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 987 2886 9440

Passcode: 5995560

Current Board Members: 

Pleasure Strange (Prez)Babette Bach (Trez)Mo Vionnet
Nate Miller (VP)Zac GonzolesDavid Morris
Julia Ralsten (Sec)Christy AugustineJohn Bruno

Meeting Called to Order at: 

Board members in attendance (notes) : 

Also in attendance: 

Quorum established:

Announcements: 5 minutes each

  1. Board Announcements: 
  2. Committee Announcements:
  3. Public Announcements:
  4. Public Agenda Items to add:
  5. Office and staff updates-

Old Business: 5 minutes each

  1. Approve minute: 5.17.23 PUBLIC BOD Minutes
  2. Lets talk tourism May 19th 
  3. KMUD Block Party May 20th; MCC will have a table
  4. Forest Moon Festival June 3rd 
  5. Sober Grad June 9th
  6. Membership Drive in June

New Business: 5-10 minutes each

Up-coming Events:

  1. SAMF23
  2. Free Yoga Every Wed in May & June  10am to 11am
  3. Get-fit Sohum every M & W 5:30 to 6:30 pm and Every T & Th 6:30 to 7:30am