Present: Megan, Anna, Pleasure, Andrea, Steven, Dusty, Garth, Eryn (little late)
Absent: Bruce
Start: 5:31pm.
Last-minute additions to agenda:
Review & approval of July minutes:
Garth motions to approve. Pleasure seconds. None opposed.
Public Comment Period:
Office Report:
- Pineapple Express kitchen usage meeting: Pleasure Bruce Charity Codi Eryn – Monday August 27th at noon.
- Two more events this August:
- Community Crisis Town Hall Meeting Thursday August 23rd. Babette in kitchen. Unclear what that $ goes to. Darryl will put donation jars out. Needs a mic.
- August 30: Water Board Cannabis outreach. 9:30-4:30. Mikes, projectors screen, tables & chairs. Pay April to help set up.
- September:
- Collie Buddz Monday Sept 3
- Old Growth Generational Gathering, Friday Sep 7 or 8. Potluck. 5:30-8pm.
- Missoula Children Theatre Sep 9-Sep 15. Need kitchen crew.
- Aikido starts Mon Sep 17.
- Trevor Hall Wed Sep 19
- E40 21st
- Hippie Sabotage 27
- Dirty Heads Sep 30.
- ABC Training Tues Oct 2 9am – 1pm.
- Hoedown planning has been started.
- Credit Union All Star Day Oct 8 8am-4pm
- Wedding reception oct 12 and 13
- Hold for October 20 or 21 for Julian Marley. Waiting to hear back from Indigo Children (production company). Need to look at our rental contract with them. Other rentals of ours need to be accommodated.
- Halloween Boogie Friday Oct 26 – maybe change to Sat. Salmon Creek event?? Their date is not confirmed. A community member has offered to sponsor the talent for the Boogie on Saturday. We need to check with Salmon Creek. We’re in communication with KMUD already.
New Business:
- One of the kegerators is not working, maybe the thermostat. Cools, but not cold enough. Have had to ice kegs. Was complaining about that last show and one of the volunteers who owns Baked in Humboldt, she has offered to pay for the repair, she has a person she recommends. Dan Bugbee. Going to call him tomorrow. Will have kegs coming in the Friday before Collie Buddz.
- Can we move the bar upstairs. Yes, absolutely.
- Any other repairs? Have a dead tree that needs to come down.
- Thank you, Bruce, for weed-whacking. There’s still some that needs to be done, steep slope. And some raking that could be done.
- Small fridge is not broken – was too full and the door came open and everything inside went bad.
- Need a solution to lighting outside the upstairs back door.
- If we notice a repair that needs to be done, let Megan know and she will compile.
- Cash boxes, in storage? Or in our storage container? We’re missing 13.
- Some highway equipment maybe still down at SAMF? That’s actually where we keep it, State Parks locked lot.
RREDC – Loan possibility
- Meeting with Greg Foster, the RREDC ED. He had a meeting with Patrick Cleary to talk about us getting a loan to cover our debt and consolidate that into a single payment instead of shuffling small payments. There is a possibility that we could get a loan. We need two years of financial projections, liabilities, detailed business strategy and restructurization. It’s doable, it’s just getting that into writing. He gave us a template. He thinks monthly projections are important, as income and expenses vary for us widely throughout the year. If we default, then HAF would take control of the building. 6% interest. Amount of each month’s payments? 3500-3900K. 600K loan. Amortized over 25 years. We’d be able to revisit the terms every year and reduce the interest, re-amortize every year – may large payments, optional balloon payments. No prepayment penalties. Really good deal. We’d never get this kind of deal through a bank. They noticed we’ve taken strides forward and having been working on paying down our debt. Appraisal, we’d normally have to pay for that, not sure if they want a commercial or standard appraisal. Megan’s looking into finding someone that does commercial appraisals. The appraisal would assess what this property is worth, have to have that done for the loan. Did a simple title report on us, we have no leans on our title currently. Monthly earnings plus our debt to asset ratio – we have a lot of stuff. Have to count everything – picnic tables, etc.
- Steven, Amie, Eryn; Dusty & Shanon may need to help with the asset list.
Caretaking Position/Rental
- Our caretaker is moving out September 3. He has said he’d be willing to work some shows. Wants to be included in the list of people to that can be called for events. He’s said he’ll be available on August 30th to help set up mics.
- We need to take a look at the job description and update it with what we currently need. Personnel committee will work on that.
- Once that’s ready, and approved, we’ll put an ad out.
- Rental and hire person? Or rental/trade? We need someone here to do basic stuff, pick up trash, etc.
- Dusty recommends Tom Kai for the caretaker position. Dusty will tell him to submit an application.
- Need to draw up a rental agreement.
- Maybe more hours for April for show days? More volunteers to help April do cleanup. Make it more reasonable hours so people will come. Earn a ticket for the following show.
Old Business:
Reggae on the River – quick overview
- 5 mos. – contract to show.
- Two different entities came together.
- Went pretty darn well. Wasn’t all easy or peach, but left us excited for next year.
- The Mateel experienced zero loss, as planned. Cost us nothing to put on. Were actually able to make money. Jah Mall (general store/merch) made $8,500K net. People were really happy that the Mateel has a presence. Lots of positivity.
- Kelly question: town looked empty, went down to site. Shocked by how empty it was.
- Yes, it was a low attendance. Low ticket sales pre-event.
- Kelly: How’s HT feeling about that?
- They are coming back next year and invest as much money as necessary to get this event going, expected losses this year. They kept the continuity going this year.
- Question: Do they have plans to improve the backstage ambiance?
- No, it’s a working backstage. They did talk about improving the Ambassador Lounge. Some bands did say they liked the way we had done it before, we passed that on to HT. Contractually, each one of the artists accepted a buyout for hospitality and riders. Unclear how HT may change it next year or to what extent.
- Talked about the KMUD broadcast – they want to do that next year. Figure out how to do with artist’s contracts.
- Next year want to do an Eco Village for non-profits. Reduced booth fees. Donated the fee for the Mateel Meal Juice Booth.
- Sounded like they were looking into revamp next year much earlier on and develop these ideas. That’s the key to bringing the local people back. Supported Briceland Fire this year, as well as Salmon Creek, who did the ice truck.
- Now that it’s a 3-day event, may be easier for non-profits to find the amount of volunteers to work their booths?
- Could also do the profit-sharing where food trucks or vendors share their profit with a non-profit.
- Kelly: When the parking crunch became a big deal, ticket #s were lowered and had to buy tickets and
- No, they weren’t always given enough tickets, each booth got 8 tickets. Was decreased at some point to 4.
- Bottom line, proving to be a good partner.
- Kelly: Is it true that if HT doesn’t work out, you guys are planning to present the membership with a plan to sell the building.
- We have to present all options.
- How much is the debt to the IRS?
- We have to pay down all the debt that we’re paying monthly payments on. That’s the beauty of going through this process.
- Who’s doing the research on the pros and cons of filing bankruptcy?
- We don’t want to do that. This loan would be much better than filing bankruptcy. We had the HAF financial analysis. We’ve taken input from multiple sources. We’re trying to avoid that. That is worst-case.
- Decided to do the 14th annual Hoedown. No plans to do bands on the back 40. Would be nice to have it as a focal area for something? Kids Zone? Would need shade. Jumpy House?
- Considered combining the beer and BBQ fest, but seems like it wouldn’t work.
- Could have Moses come and sell BBQ.
- Ask Gyppo to come sell beer? Donate? Eryn will talk to Julie and Moses. Dusty can get pork.
- Get Andy to do the juice booth? They made like $300-400. Do they want to come back for any of the Ineffable shows? Need to let Ineffable know beforehand.
Halloween Boogie
- Co-pro KMUD & Mateel. Typically Friday. Enter Dusty who says hey, we’ve got these great Reggae artists, two, one headliner, one supporter, only available on Saturday. May interfere with Salmon Creek. Cynthia said yes if we need to, but we should check with Salmon Creek. Dusty will do that.
Committee Reports:
- Covered in Reggae report and loan discussion.
- Waiting on the final numbers for Jah Mall.
- Five local creditors that have recently identified as pressing: my proposal is that we have 5 shows in September, can we decide how much we can put aside? Each of these get $1K in Sep. Action Rental – 3K, Piercy Fire 9K. Lotus Mountain 9K, Northcoast Journal 5.5K. Best Western 20K. Yes, we can agree to that, provided we can cover our basic bills.
- Dusty motions that if we make more than we need for basic monthly bills in September, then we earmark it for these 5 individuals. Pleasure seconds. None opposed.
- Tanya Malley has resigned from her position. Thank you, Tanya, for all her hard work that she did for us. The level of professionalism that she brought to that job was amazing. We owe her a lot of gratitude.
- Tanya Lee was wondering about the storage unit. HT is going to pay half. Talk about it later.
- Spoke to Anne, 8 hours per pay period is the min she can handle doesn’t want to go below that if we can help it.
- We’ve reduced Justine to 8 hours per pay period, down from 10. Had increased her to 8 for ROTR prep. There was no festival guide, Justine would have been good at that. There wasn’t really any time for one. Next year, we could recommend her for that.
- If anyone has wrap-up notes from ROTR, send them to Dusty.
Building/Hall Report
- Covered in new business.
- Need someone involved in the kitchen operations. Container for Codi? Lots of stuff in the hallways, etc. Shanon pointed it out. Can we make more room for her, or? Make room in the shed by moving stuff into containers? Can talk about it in the meeting on the 27th.
- Annie has been thinking about fundraising events. Mateel Forever mystery dinner? November? Annie, Pleasure, Dusty.
- Need to work on the format of the Generational Gathering. Need to talk more about that. Can it be a fundraiser? Should it just be a feedback session? Can Rio come? Do we provide the protein, and it is a potluck?
- Present new policies before or in conjunction with presenting planned giving program.
Events & Talent
- Covered under events.
Entered closed session at 7:07pm.