Mateel Community Center
Public Board Meeting Minutes
Date / Time:April 19, 2023 @ 6pm | Location:MCC Hall, 59 Rusk Lane, Redway or by Zoom |
Agenda QR code |
Zoom info:
Call in: +14086380968,,98728869440#,,,,*5995560# US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 987 2886 9440
Passcode: 5995560
Current Board Members:
Pleasure Strange (Prez)* | Babette Bach (Trez)* | Mo Vionnet |
Nate Miller (VP)* | Zac Gonzoles* | David Morris |
Julia Ralsten (Sec)* | Christy Augustine* | John Bruno* |
Meeting Called to Order at: 6:20
Board members in attendance (see * next to name) :
Also in attendance: Elena, Shiloh,
Quorum established:6:20
Announcements: 5 minutes each
- Board Announcements: Sign is up, we are waiting for the Electrical to happen then it will be up and running
- Old microwave has been removed from the Kitchen.
- Committee Announcements:E & T
-Almost all the music slots are filled for SAMF,
-Finances Report
- Public Announcements:
- Public Agenda Items to add:
- Office and staff updates–Office and staff: new kitchen rental on fridays Filipino food. April had a rental rap show, maybe made 1500. Two Animal Vaccine clinics in the parking lot. First open mic night last monday.
-Fitness class it back
-tomorrow will be the 4;20 show that is just a showcase. A Lot of vendors,
-Native fire 4/28
-Animals clinic coming up – Free yoga coming up in May. – May 13th Blooming Bus and league of everyday People
-May 19th let’s talk tourism -Open mic night every two weeks next one is May 8th.
-safe and sober grad in June.
– Building Inspection report : we need to fix strapping on the water heater, we need a pan and overflow to go outside. There are a few electrical things, like Gfi by sinks and other water fixtures.
-Microwave has been removed from the kitchen
-New MATEEL Sign is in-waiting for electrical to come hook it up
-Nick Riley has been hired for media peron
Old Business: 5 minutes each
- Approve minute:
3.15.23 PUBLIC BOD Minutes Approved by Christy, julia, pleasure, John, Nate
- Review of Votes: voted to purchase 4 POS terminals from square for hall (Unanimous) We received the new ones and we are looking to return the old ones by next week
New Business: 5-10 minutes each
- SAMF23- Alisha has been working on MOUs for the coordinators. Went over the Budget for the coordinators Budgets. She has been reaching out and filling positions.
All need to be present for the planning? Meeting for Samf on the ?.
-Shioloh is doing the Parking -Nate and Pleasure will be meeting some time to talk with Keith.
- 420 Smoke 💨out- Tomorrow! There are alot of vendors coming. We are down one Smoker(person). John and pleasure will be starting the membership both, then Julia later.
-backstage decoration and hospitality is done by Pleasure. -A Dj is gonna come read a poem by shell silverstein called the great smoke off.
Shanti and Christy are cooking for the kitchen
- Committee Reports – Finance committee report;our non profit status has been reinstated we are spending a lot more than is coming in. -we got approved for a grant, waiting for the signature. -they discussed protocols for SAMF in regards to accounting and POS systems. Shiloh wants to know when we notify the membership of P & L- Nate commented that we do it at our annual membership meeting
- E & T Committee- Landon McNamara / Raging Fyah/ Wide Eyed Kids package for September 28 or 29- need approval
– Board needs to vote on bringing in the artists 6500 to 7200 with rooms but we need to vote. We need to focus on people up north for attendance.
-we need to have an estimated attendance- Nate.
Motion to send this to the Executive committee to make final decision, Nate starts motion, christy seconds, julia, Babbette, and zac in favor.
- E & T -Cannafest-September (9th and 10th) Mateel is invited too participate in cannafest to raise funds for Reggae 2024.
-we could do parking
-we could do food
-we could have a reggae on the Bay on sunday to raise money.
-we could table/concessions
-could The Volunteers People run the parking for the Mateel? Do tabling along with
– Group (board) splits to work on both Parking and tabling. Pushed to the Executive committee to make a choice and after conferring with Eryn.
Yes from julia, Christy, Babette, john,
Up-coming Events:
-movie nights-VOTE Absolutely no food, free for members every time, last thursday is free for everyone. Christy motions. Julia, seconds. Babette, John, Pleasure, nate, zac in favor.
-Black out curtain need by June 3rd, Nate is going to come take Measurements, next meeting it will be voted on.