Present: Stephen, Pleasure, Garth, Dusty, Eryn, Marcus
Absent: Megan, Anna Bruce
Start: 5:50pm.
Last-minute additions to agenda: N/A
Review and approval of the March minutes: Dusty motions, Eryn seconds. None opposed.
Public comment:
Barb Truitt:
- Healthcare District Measure F, looking for Mateel endorsement or individual board member endorsement.
- Measure F is the renewal of parcel tax.
- Would cover hospital operation cost and maintain essential services
- Is imperative to healthy community and keeping population numbers up.
Rick Cooper:
- Funding proposal aimed at community involvement
- Rebuilding trust crucial for getting donations
- Create listening session/event with core group of founders listening only
- Possible HAF speaker for event topic boom and bust economy
- The “Mateel Minute” on KMUD or press release
- Verbiage “renewed” what makes different
- Mateel is critical to healthy community (be needed)
- Tighten maintain move forward
Staff/Hall Report: (given by Pleasure for Charity)
- Chicago Bob deal set at $100/wk
- Roughly $14 per hour reduced rate
- Pineapple Express wants to pay 1200 per month
- Hours they need are 42 per week willing to give chi bob rate
- counter $700 per week
- Pleasure will follow up
- Co-promotes
- Ask Cha to create outline/official mateel procedures for tix release schedule
- Poster more
- Release tix further ahead of time “office has conveyed that this does not really work for our community” we will try it
Finance Report:
- P&L handed out
- Audits cost us 10k per/each year completed/submitted
- May 7th date deadline to submit audit for 2017 Registry status reinstated via attorney general
- We have been addressing debt and payroll
- Essential hours are increasing with production of SAMF
- Wyclef Jean and Andre Nickatina did well for the Mateel via bar profits
- Costs down approximately 66% from last year
- Kelly Lincoln “what about” ponzi scheme tactics using sales to pay for last year. Dusty responded that we have decreased our SAMF budget by a lot which is allowing us to allocate money to repayment of debts to allow for the production of SAMF
Building Report:
- To meet 1st Friday of each month at 5:30pm.
- Stairs LED installed
- Fridge breaker replace
- Siding on office repaired
- Bar closet
- Oven door
- Outlet at beer cooler
SAMF Report:
- Talent: Orgone, Nkulee Dube
- Lunar Stage and Kids Zone talent complete
- Push hard for advance tix to help cover advance production costs
- Available at office or via Eventbrite save money
- Tabeling to sell tix?
- Scott Kinder coordinate Mateel Juice Booth..Scott paid debt with Veritable Vegetable: 1.2k. Willing to coordinate booth as long as we repay/reimburse on Sunday at accounting trailer…he wants to keep meal going but is understanding of the Mateel’s financial desperation
- Camping at Benbow campground will cost Mateel in advance. Dusty makes motion “to collect $5 dollars per person for camping,” instructing Alisha to test waters with coordinator collecting and Mateel collection day of. Eryn seconded. None opposed.
- Amount of money to be allocated to volunteer food voucher looking for vendor to provide $8 dollar value and charge us $7. Aimed at non-profits specifically. Pleasure will create schedule for submittal for vendors payout accounting done daily
- Is Redwood Rural still online for SAMF?
- Alisha and Anne tasked with creating Operations plan document to detail meal tix exchange and procedure
ROTR Report:
- HT CEO conversation went well today and looking to finalize all negotiations
- People/membership want to see contract
- Rick Cooper asks to retain ability to disassociate ourselves and bad decision made by HT: “limited partnership”
- 5 year renewal on CUP is moving forward
- Kelly: pond is dust abatement (was this a question from Kelly?)
Darryl Cherney Fundraising MOU:
- Eryn and Amie met with Darryl, discussed arrangement re interaction with creditors. Eryn will liaison this communication.
- Bruce and Megan are Darry’s point of contact and will help with Adopt a Debt
- Debt was triaged to create list of most important.
- Top 3 debts identified.
Dusty makes motion “to approve Darryl’s MOU with 2 amendments, #13 L2 to read “agreed to by board” and #16 B “No RO