

The Mateel Community Center:

For over forty years, the Mateel Community Center has fostered the arts in rural Northern California.  Serving as the cultural hub of the Southern Humboldt community, we provide arts, educational, and social service programs, and present a myriad of multicultural musical, theatrical, dance, comedy, film, and craft events which have earned our non-profit organization statewide, national, and international acclaim.

Located in the southern Humboldt hamlet of Redway, CA the Mateel Community Center hall is a showcase of fine woodworking, craftsmanship, and solar design that first opened in 1988. Owned and operated by the MCC, this center is well utilized by the entire community and serves as a venue for both commercial and non-profit rentals, as well as in-house Mateel productions.

The Mateel Community Center seeks to involve all segments of the community in the creative actualization of a cultural vision embracing diversity, vitality, justice and sustainability. Our programs and events serve changing community needs, emphasizing the performing and visual arts.

For hall photographs, expanded facility descriptions, and operational policies of our facility visit the pages of our Hall Rental department.

We invite you to explore our web site to find out more about the MCC and get to know us better.
If you’d like to attend an event see our events Calendar for a complete list of upcoming events.

The California Arts Council – The agency encourages widespread public participation in the arts; helps build strong arts organizations at the local level; assists with the professional development of arts leaders; promotes awareness of the value of the arts; and directly support arts program for children and communities. For more information visit their web site at: www.cac.ca.gov

The National Endowment For The Arts – The National Endowment for the Arts is a public agency dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts, both new and established; bringing the arts to all Americans; and providing leadership in arts education. Established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government, the Endowment is the nation’s largest annual funder of the arts, bringing great art to all 50 states, including rural areas, inner cities, and military bases. For more information visit their web site at: www.nea.gov/

The Melvin F. & Grace McLean Foundation was formed in 1999 after the passing of Mel McLean, owner and founder of Eel River Sawmills. Having no direct family to pass on their wealth to, Mel and Grace made the decision early on to form a foundation whose sole purpose would be to enhance the quality of life of the people of Humboldt County through grantmaking to qualified organizations. The foundation directs a significant portion of its efforts toward projects that support children and youth, the elderly, social welfare, health and medical needs as well as supporting the capacity of our local nonprofit sector. Since 2010, the foundation has given over $5.9 million to local nonprofit and governmental organizations in Humboldt County. For more information visit: www.northerncalifornianonprofits.org/content/view/102/92/

Humboldt Area Foundation is the community foundation of and for the citizens of the North Coast. The Humboldt Area Foundation was founded on
May 3, 1972 by Vera Perrott Vietor. Since 1972, Vera’s dream has been joined by literally thousands of individuals committed to building a better community. Through the generosity of these individuals, Vera’s original $2.4 million has grown to more than $60 million and has resulted in over $25 million in grants to local charitable organizations working to improve our community. For more information visit: www.hafoundation.org

The CalFresh Program, formerly known as Food Stamps and federally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), can add to your food budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table. The program issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores.The CalFresh Program helps to improve the health and well-being of qualified households and individuals by providing them a means to meet their nutritional needs. For more information visit: www.calfresh.ca.gov/default.htm